
30 Life Lessons by 30

Last week I celebrated my 30th birthday, but since we are living during covid times the milestone was a bit more muted than it would have been if times were normal (To clarify, I am not in any way complaining. My birthday was great, filled with love, well wishes, books, delicious sushi, and bubbles!). That being said, I still wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday in a special way, and the only way I knew how to honor this milestone was through writing. So as the day passed by, I jotted down a list of 30 life lessons in my journal, reflecting on the girl I was in my twenties, recognizing her flaws, growth, and how she ended up here at the cusp of a new decade. Over dinner, I read the list to my husband who suggested I share the list with others. So since I haven't blogged in forever, I may as well break the streak with this post.

(in no particular order)

1. Perfection is a pipe dream. Acceptance is not.

I can't tell you how many times I have chased the idea of perfection. The perfect body. The perfect day. The perfect story. The perfect life. The perfect partner. The list goes on and on, and do you want to know what all the chasing led to? Nothing! Except exhaustion. By the end of it, I was miserable and constantly disappointed by my impractical expectations. Once I started accepting things for what they are, however, did I finally feel free from the chase. Now, I accept my body. I accept the days--even if they aren't good (because they can't all be). I accept the stories I write as a work in progress (because that's how they get better). I accept my life because it is m i n e to live. And I accept my partner because I love them, so why would I try and change them into an idea instead of respecting them as an individual person?

2. The finish line is death.

Finish school. Finish the task. Finish the job. It seems like we are always rushing to finish in order to get to the next possible thing. Instead of enjoying the journey or the process, we rush through it, eyes on an imagined future instead of taking in the present and the gift that it is. But if we keep rushing and finishing instead of enjoying it as we go, we will find ourselves at the true finish line: death. As bleak as it sounds, that’s where we are all headed. Death is finishing. So let’s take a deep breath and stop rushing to meet our end.

I have memories of myself frantically finishing manuscripts. Sending query letters before getting feedback on my letter. I blew many chances being in a hurry instead of taking the time to make my work at its best. Looking back, I wish I could have slowed down. I wish I focused on writing the best possible story instead of thinking about who would like it.

3. There is no deadline to success.

I used to think that in order to be successful I had to obtain success at a young age. If I didn’t, I was irrelevant, my talent expired. This idea embedded its way into my mind because social media always hypes up young people in their twenties selling tech companies or landing huge book deals making them seem like the norm when they are really the outliers. But if I examine the people I aspire to be like, I find that I admire their work, not what age they found success. So if you need to hear it, like I often do: There is no deadline to success.

4. Goals are a compass.

It’s good to have life goals. It means we are living with intention. Sometimes we might not make a goal (yet), but it doesn’t mean we aren’t steering our ship in the right direction.

Twenty-year-old me thought I would land a book deal by 30. I didn’t, but following this goal/dream led to a lot of learning and bettering myself. It led me to make choices that allowed me to level up in my craft. So no, there’s no book deal (yet), but I learned a lot about the business side of publishing, I made great writing friends/critique partners, and I put my work out there. Most of all, I never allowed myself to give up. Right now I can’t see beyond the horizon, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make land soon.

5. Detours are a requirement to reach the destination.

In continuation of point 4, sometimes in life you take a detour. Maybe life blows too much wind in your sails. Maybe you fell asleep at the helm. Whatever it may be, good or bad, sometimes detours become necessary to reach the destination. Sometimes the detours in life force you to grow or gain new skills to get you on the right course. I didn’t think I would be married with kids at 30, but here I am taking a break from writing! But this detour makes the journey even more worthwhile. My boys have taught me so much about life. About character. They give what I’m pursuing much more meaning.

6. Wealth is nothing but health.

Self-explanatory. Don’t work yourselves to the bone, okay? It’s just not worth it.

7. Beauty is made of the heart, mind, and soul. Not how much you weigh or how you look.

We live in a weight and instagram-image obsessed world. So much emphasis on outward appearance instead of what matters on the inside. I ask you to notice your thoughts. How many times are you speaking negatively to yourself? Now think of how much time and brain space those kinds of thoughts take a toll on you. The people around you really don’t care about your weight (unless it poses a health risk) or if you put on makeup today. So you shouldn’t either. Beautiful people to me are those who are authentic. And authenticity comes from being true to your heart, honest with your mind, and being connected to your soul. Authentic people know themselves and their worth. Do you?

8. People won't like you, and you won't like some people, but you should like yourself.

After all, you spend the most time with yourself. So do yourself a favor, and stop being hard on yourself (see point 7). Change the thought patterns and build yourself UP instead of tearing yourself DOWN. The critics in your life will do that for you, so reinforce your ‘confidence’ walls.

9. Self-awareness is your ticket out of the comparison game.

When you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else, ask yourself why you have the thought in the first place. Is it truly something you believe? Or have you inherited society or social media's point of view instead of carving your own?

10. Go deep. Only then will you know when to take that leap of faith.

You all know that feeling. You’re at a crossroads in life and need to make a decision. A big decision with ripple effects. Do you take the risk? How do you know when to take that leap of faith? My answer: dig deep. Really know yourself and know what you want out of life. If the decision can get you closer, take the leap. You won’t regret taking a shot at what you want, but the hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s figuring out what you want.

11. The best kind of person you can be is a k i n d person.

Honestly, nice people make my day. A barista asking me about my day. Someone giving me great customer service. Someone acknowledging my frustration. If everyone was nice to each other, the world would be more pleasant. As a mom, I’m trying to raise my kids to be kind. They can grow up to be whoever they want to be as long as they are kind in the process.

12. Maturity is owning your mistakes and learning from them.

If you don’t, you’ll make the same mistakes over and over and get stuck in a feedback loop. You can’t expect life to change if you don’t change. So mature and grow.

13. Apologies curb the ego.

If you owe someone an apology, give it. Saying sorry is not a sign of weakness, but strength. People who avoid saying sorry to save face or feed their ego only hurt themselves. Feed your ego too much and it’ll take over your personality. Do you want to be egotistical? Or do you want to be you?

14. The best friendships are timeless. You pick up where you left off.

I’ve had a lot of friends come and go, but the ones I really treasure are the low maintenance ones. Always there for one another. Always a good time. Those are the true friendship goals. Months can go by since we’ve heard from each other, but there’s never any resentment because if I need them, I’ll call. And if they need me, they’ll reach out.

15. The most impactful teachers in your life are your children.

Becoming a parent has taught me so much about myself, but also about life. How to be patient. How to be loving. How to not sweat the small stuff. How to be present. How to edit life down to the essentials. They have forced me to define what truly matters in life.

16. The traumas in your life do not define you as a person, but they do show you what you're made of.

I once had an agent tell me she thought she could sell a book of mine if I wrote about my hard times as an adolescent. After my first book on sub didn't sell, I went into the writing cave and tried to heed her advice because I was desperate to sell something. The process, however, was painful. Every word written was like reliving the bad moments in my life, but I kept going convinced if someone read it, they would be comforted and less alone if they knew my 'story'. But the cost of someone else's comfort at the expense of mine no longer seemed like a fair exchange (even if it landed me a deal which was no guarantee). And then, there was the thought of me being defined by this story, and I realized I didn't want that. I did not want the traumas of my life to define me. I didn't want to be a 'story'. I wanted people to see me beyond what I've been through. See me for my actions and for my art.

In the end, I put the story aside. The bad times showed me what I was made of, but I didn't need to make a 'show' out of them.

17. It's okay to experience negative emotions. Not okay to put them on someone else.

The older I get, the more I realize people have a hard time dealing with negative emotions. They either take it out on vices, repress it, or lash out on those closest to them. I've learned the best way to deal with negative emotions is to simply let it ride. Ride the wave. It'll end. In the meantime, please don't drown others in it.

18. Perspective is the lens of which life is lived.

If you think life sucks, then it does. If you paint yourself a victim, you become one. If you think life will get better. It will. If you see life as a gift, it can be. What's possible is determined by your perspective. Pay attention to your thoughts.

19. Purpose + Growth = A Meaningful Life

We all want to matter. We all want to leave a mark on the world. Finding your purpose, pursuing it, and continuing to grow gives meaning to life. If you don't know what your purpose is, experiment and search for it. That is part of the process. You can have one, or you can have many. Just find it (them) and do something about it (them).

I use to put all my self-worth in writing. I wanted success. I wanted to matter. I wanted to live up to people’s expectations but also my own. It took me awhile to see that publishing (my idea of success) is completely out of my hands. The act of writing isn’t. So when I write, I try my best at it (even if it never sees the light of day) because that is true success. Getting up day in and day out doing what you love and expecting nothing in return. That’s true love. And love (whether through art or for the people in my life) gives me purpose and adds meaning to my life every day.

20. Spiritual World > Material World

The more emphasis you put on physical things, the more weight you place on your mind.

After having kids, I got into minimalism. I was suddenly overwhelmed with so much stuff. Baby stuff. My stuff. Home stuff. So much to organize. So much to take care of, and yet my house was cluttered and so was my mind. I couldn't work creatively. Instead of spending time with my kids or writing, I was constantly taking care of the stuff (putting it away, organizing, cleaning, shoving things into closets and drawers so I wouldn't have to deal with it). Do yourself a favor and get rid of things you don't like (responsibly, of course!). If the world ever ends, the last thing you’ll be thinking about is your stuff!

21. Harmony.

As in keep the harmony within the family. I have to credit my husband with this life lesson. He observed in many asian families everyone seemed to put the idea of 'family' above the individual 'self' and so when members came together it was a joyous and harmonious occasion. Observing my family, I've realized he's right. Sure, members of my family fight, but we always resolve it before it's time to come together. We make decisions based on the greater good of the family. The idea of harmony is one I carry with me when I think of our own expanding family and friendships. The more harmony there is, the more cooperative people become, and when I think of the divisive world we live in, the more I believe harmony is necessary in solving huge problems (like climate change!).

22. Eyes on your own paper.

Remember during grade school how teachers would tell you to keep your eyes on your own paper during test time? Well, this applies in real life. Stop focusing on how other people are doing. It'll only fill you with doubt. Focus on yourself and what you are doing instead.

For a while, I found myself concerned about the latest book deals, who in the writing community landed an agent, who was getting the best marketing. Suffice it to say I got zero work done. All I gained was more self- doubt. Instead of writing, I was questioning my abilities. It was such a huge waste of time. I should have been focusing on how I could be better, not how I should be better than someone else.

23. Life is work.

My mom once told me life is work. At the time, I thought, How depressing, but as I've grown older I finally see the wisdom in her words. Everything is work. Relationships. Marriage. Parenting. Career. Sometimes the work comes easy, sometimes it's hard, but everything is work. Sometimes we need a vacation or rest to recharge, but life is work so maybe it's time we stop giving work a bad connotation. Work can be a good thing. It's our stamp on the world. Our legacy. So the question begs to be answered, What is your life's work?

24. Leave the to-do list full.

I'm a to-do list gal. I always try to cross off items on my list and yet the list never empties. Why? Because life keeps going. It's constant. Things come up. There are things to do. So the next time you see your to-do list, don't feel overwhelmed. It just shows you are living life and getting sh*t done, but it’s also okay to leave it full.

25. No one cares about your failures.

All we focus on are our failures. We are afraid people will see us as failures. But the truth is no one cares. The only people cataloguing our failures are us. So if no one cares, maybe we should stop caring, too.

26. Simple pleasures are to be enjoyed every day.

Life is not lived through milestone days but the everyday. Sure we remember our wedding day, the day we turned 21, the day we birthed a child, or made our dreams come true, but these are only a small percentage of our lives. As for the rest, we may not remember them, but we should still try to fill them with joy. To do so, I make sure I enjoy the simple pleasures of life. A latte, some tea, a glass of wine at dinner, a nice walk in the sun, reading a chapter of a book, a deep conversation with a loved one. You may not remember these days distinctly as a birthday, but it can really make the day. It makes a good life. So don't focus on the day. Focus on the days.

27. Punishment is cruel. Forgive yourself and move on.

I thought I was the only one who punished myself, but I find a lot of people do so by being hard on themselves. It took me a long time to stop the habit, to forgive myself, and to move on, but I’m starting to realize it’s really important for mental health. So if you’re like me and you need someone to give you a permission slip to stop punishing yourself, here it is.

28. Moving doesn't move you away from life's problems. That's why it's called baggage.

It's so enticing isn't it? Go to a new place. Start over. Become someone new. Except there is no starting over in life. Face your problems head on and learn from it so that it doesn't follow you everywhere you go like a shadow over your head.

29. Try to put on someone else's shoes.

Only then will you learn empathy and compassion. A way to learn this is actually reading more fiction books written in first person, memoirs, or having deep conversations with people who don't need to put up their guard around you. Ask people their story, but most of all listen if they share it with you.

30. The grass is not greener on the other side, and all that glitters is not gold.

When my book was on sub another writer with a similar story landed a book deal. I had a feeling my manuscript wouldn't sell after that. And it didn't. As the years passed by, I couldn't help but think the other writer had it made. She was living the dream. My dream. But after a while she started writing about her publishing experience. How she couldn't earn back her advance. How she was only seen as a niche writer. That even though she made it, she never felt secure. And whenever I read her words or looked at her instagram posts, all I saw was an unhappy person. The saying, The grass is not greener on the other side, and all that glitters is not gold immediately ran through my mind, but only then did it click. We always imagine reaching our dreams, but not about what comes after. It was a good lesson for me to learn. Now, at 30, I know much more about publishing, the writing craft, and how following your dreams can be like getting your heart broken a million times, but also like falling in love all over again. The beauty is in the attempt.

Well, there you have it. My 30 life lessons by 30 list. My twenties was all about finding myself and learning. Going into my thirties, I know who I am. I know what I want. What I'm willing to tolerate, and what I won't. I am a much happier version of myself, but I still have a long way to grow.

Cheers to turning 30!

2019 (Part 2)

“You haven’t blogged since January. Your next blog post will probably be titled 2020,” my husband joked, skimming at my website. He had just finished refreshing his work website when he decided to check out mine.

“I don’t have anything to blog about,” I countered. “My life is the same. I don’t do anything but stay home and take care of our son.” It was late in the night. Our son was sleeping and we were in our home office our desks only an arm’s length away from one another. We returned working on our separate things (him, working; me, writing), but I couldn’t get much done. I reflected on my husband’s words and thought of when I did heavily blog. I’d been in a full-time job I wasn’t passionate about, and I’d been writing. The only difference between then and now was that my job was different. I took care of a tiny human being I loved (though it wore me out silly) and didn’t come with the satisfaction of a check being deposited into my bank account.

After my husband bid me goodnight, I went to my blog, reread some posts, especially the ones about drafting Diamond Queen, my PitchWars experience, how I got my first agent, and felt a deep nostalgic yearning for my blogging-self that I had preserved in these posts. She was so optimistic. She enjoyed the process. I envied her. I’d become so pessimistic. So… sad about the whole pursuit of publication thing. But that girl was naive, I told myself. She had no idea the heartache in store for her.

So for a while I forgot about blogging. I resumed life as usual, or rather my new life: going to toddler baby gyms, meeting for playdates, constant laundry, and cooking. The moms from my Mom’s group, however, knew I was writing in pursuit of publication and would often ask me how things we going. I would demure, but they sensed my discouragement. “Don’t give up,” one of them told me. “You’re doing a great courageous thing going after a dream like that. Not many people would.” I nodded, though courageous was far from how I felt. Another mom decided to go back to work part-time. “My son is growing and evolving. I need to grow as a person too. I need to go back for my physical and mental health. I need my own thing like you have writing,” another said. I was happy for her that she found happiness going back to work, but my own ‘thing’ didn’t pay the bills, it was a purely selfish endeavor as my husband had to pick up the bill (on literally everything).

But it didn’t make sense for me to go back to work doing a job that I didn’t like and when the salary would just pay for child care. We had decided that it was better for me to stay home to give my son the care that only I could give. One thing I didn’t realize that came with the territory of being a SAHM though was struggles of self-worth. Though worthwhile, being a stay-at-home-mom is a demanding job. There is no reprieve. There is no ‘thanks’ or reassurance that you’re doing a good job. There is no lunch break. Yet, it is a joy to see a human being learn and flourish in a way that I found myself wishing I could be like my son, who got up after he fell. Who would cry when he’d get a bloodied lip, but then a hug from me was all he needed to keep at whatever toddler thing he had been doing.

“This writing thing is making you miserable,” my husband said one night after I wallowed over a rejection I received. “I come home and you seem so sad. It would be nice to go home and see you happy. Do you want to go back to work?”

“Maybe I’m just a naturally sad person,” I said, embarrassed he had called me out on what was so obvious. The writing thing wasn’t making me sad. It was my own expectations of what came after, though I tried to ignore it and not get my hopes up.

“You’re doing this for self-validation,” he continued on. “Is the only way to do it through writing? Can it not be something else? You could be successful at anything you chose to do. You have the work ethic. You have the intelligence. Why chose something as difficult as this? Something wildly out of your control?”

It was as if he was holding a mirror to my mind, forcing me to dig deep. I knew my whys. Because I loved writing. Because I needed it for my mental health. I loved stories. It helped me learn about the world when I felt like I had no guide to light the way. It was my escape from reality. I needed to write as much as I needed food or oxygen to live. But the publishing part was simply the icing on the cake. If it ever happened, that is.

My husband was right though. Why did I need the self-validation? Why couldn’t I just write for the joy of it without the pressure? Like how people enjoyed running, yoga, or any other hobby? Just write to be happy. Forget the expectations. Forget what people think. Why was this so hard for me to do?

One of my sisters called me when I was wallowing and she told me, “You’re living the dream. You have a beautiful baby boy who adores you. A husband who takes care of things financially so you can experience life with your son. Enjoy it while you can. The writing stuff will happen for you eventually, just keep at it.”

So I promised myself I would.

It’s funny. I try to practice gratitude on a daily basis, but sometimes a person just needs to be reminded of it from loved ones. So, sitting at my favorite coffeeshop on a Sunday morning, I’m writing this post, hoping to return to my optimistic self. After all, this post didn’t end up being titled ‘2020’, and that’s a start, right?


Wow. It’s 2019. I can’t believe it.

At times it felt like 2018 went at a snail’s pace, but as I look back I’ve come to realize it went as quick as a blink of an eye. 2018 was such an amazing albeit crazy year. I celebrated my one year wedding anniversary, then quickly after found out I was pregnant, became a finalist for the New Visions Award, had a baby, and then adjusted to motherhood. I’m not sure if 2019 will top that, but I am hoping it will.

As we enter the new year, I’ve thought a lot about what I wanted to focus on this year and how to accomplish it while balancing motherhood. Before having a child, I thought I didn’t have enough hours in a day to do the things I wanted. Now that I have a baby, I realized that I had all the time in the world. Why did I squander it? Finding time in the day when another human being relies on you for everything and you are at the whim of their sleeping and feeding schedule makes you see the value of time and also the little things you took for granted. Like taking a leisure shower, making yourself a nice meal, having an organized and clean house, enjoying a glass of wine, or going to the movies. It’s a whole new life when you become a parent, and you become essentially a whole new person.

But even though life changes completely, the essence of who you are does not.

For me, it always goes back to writing. That deep and almost painful yearning to wrestle a manuscript into a gratifying story. The process, however, is far from gratifying. It’s hard. Some days I feel like I’ll never make it. Some days I feel like I suck. Some days I feel like the words are always out of reach and that I have no talent or skill. But the more I stay away from writing, the more guilty I feel for neglecting it because it feels as if I’m starving my soul. The small fleeting moments of clarity and rush of adrenaline when the story’s heart beats against my own though, always gets me to come back.

And in 2019, I still keep coming back.

This year, I’m going to finish my current revision and finally put the story I’ve been working on and off for years to rest.

This year, I’m going to finish that half written draft I had put aside in 2018.

This year, I’m going to write, revise, and hope for the best that maybe this will be the year that I get closer to the dream.

Hello Motherhood

After an almost 14 hour labor from my water breaking to my son’s arrival, I’ve officially entered into Motherhood! Despite the sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and the constant breastfeeding, I’ve never been happier.

It’s funny. I never considered myself maternal at all. Kids are cool and all, but I always thought I could do with or without them. In fact, one of my worries during pregnancy was the fear of losing a part of myself by devoting such a huge portion of my time to someone else. Now, that I have Micah, I can’t imagine him not being in my life. I can’t imagine not wanting to be with him every minute of the day. The love between mother and child really can’t be explained. It’s like finding your life partner or soul mate. It changes everything. The way you feel, the way you see the world. Just. Everything. It makes me see my own mother as well as all moms in a whole new light.

Right now, I’m still adjusting to our new addition to our family and my new role, but just like my son is his own person, I am reminded that so am I. True, I am a mom now, and as much as I love it, it’s not all I am. Once I find my rhythm, I look forward to going back to writing and revising. Still chasing that dream and leading by example so that my son never gives up on anything he deems worthwhile.

So, anyway, that’s where I’ve been lately. Still here, alive and well, watching my son grow as I think about all the stories I want to read and write for him.

Celebrating Baby

The past few months have been a whirlwind for me, but despite it, a good amount of time was carved out to celebrate the arrival of baby. First, on the agenda was a babymoon! Michael and I never really went on a honeymoon, so I really wanted to go on some kind of trip before the baby came. It didn't have to be a big trip, just something for the two of us to getaway since most of our trips this year was dedicated to visiting family. We ended up taking a weekend getaway to charming little Victoria, BC in July and I am so glad we did. It was nice to simply bask in the glow of our marriage and the new family we were creating. It was a fun weekend of garden, butterflies, food, museums, and walking about the water.

August called for our last trip to California to visit family. Now that I was getting into the third trimester, I no longer felt comfortable flying anymore, nor did I want to fly after the baby when he was a newborn. So friends and family came together to throw us a memorable baby shower, making the trip back home that much sweeter.

September called for even more celebration, but this time with the Washington friends and family! This baby is so loved by everyone where ever we go. I can’t wait until he’s old enough for me to show him just how excited everyone was for him to arrive.

Before I knew it, it was October, and I found myself extremely anxious. Anxious to be done with pregnancy, and even more anxious to meet my son!

July: Writing Update & Latest Recs

Writing: Know where you're headed, but don't rush a good thing

Currently, I am working on substantial revisions for one of my manuscripts. When I had set out to do this revision, I planned all my changes on a spreadsheet and gave myself deadlines (I'm a type-A planner. Can you tell?). At first I was moving pretty steadily, making my daily, and weekly goals, and then things got sticky. I pushed through anyway. And then I got stuck. After what felt like taking a huge step forward with the revision, I realized I had taken two steps back. By trying to meet my daily goals and weekly deadlines, I had rushed the story and it showed in my writing. Every scene felt forced.


One and a half week's worth of work needed to be re-revised. That hurt. That really, really, hurt. And my mindset became totally wrecked as the finish line slipped farther and farther away. And when you're feeling down, all the other negative chatter follows, making it hard to be focused or passionate about the story when all you can see are the flaws in it.

I got myself out of it by taking the time to go back and seeing where things went wrong and being honest with myself with what needed to be done to get me back on track.

Here are some tips and tricks that helped me:

  • Always, always, always, have an updated outline as you revise. It helps to sort out the changes you've made to easily compare it with what the draft used to be. Since there are so many moving part to revising, I use a spreadsheet which has two outlines. One is the previous draft and the other is what I want the revised draft to be. I use columns in between these two outlines to jot down notes for myself on what needs to be changed. Think of it like going from point A to point B. How do I make the draft I have now into what I want it to be? That's what you need to figure out during the revision planning process, and then revising is all about executing it. Though, I will mention, nothing is ever set in stone. As you are knee deep in revisions, you might change your mind on how you want the finished revision to look like. That's totally okay, but update the SS to reflect the new changes so you always know where you are and where you're headed when your knee deep in revisions. (If you guys want a full explanation on how I make revision spreadsheets, let me know, and I can make a resource post for it.)
  • Remember to never rush a good thing: This applies to life but also drafting/revising. You can always tell where an author put in a lot of time in a piece of work, versus rushing through a plot point. Rushing leaves the reader unsatisfied. I mean forced plot, forced character, forced everything, wouldn't that leave you unsatisfied? You know how you can tell when someone is trying to hard? It's basically the same thing. You're trying too hard to make a plot point or character arc stick and it shows up as being inauthentic.

So happy to say that I am almost two-thirds done with this revision! Middles for me are always the hardest, so I am looking forward to revising the ending and being done with this layer of revision.

Motivation & Inspiration

Motivation: Showing Up & Never Giving Up

This month in the woes of my revision I looked for some inspiration and found them in some podcasts featuring Sarah J Mass and Julie Dao! If you need a motivating boost, check them out!

  • Showing Up - Sarah J Mass interview at '88 Cups of Tea': I absolutely adored Sarah's conviction and dedication to her craft. Her belief in herself and what she wanted to do with her life since 16 really restored my belief in myself and what I want to be: a writer! Her most important advice? Show up, every day. If it's the job you want, you have to work for it.
  • Never Giving Up - Julie Dao interview at Write or Die: I knew a little bit about Julie's road to publication but not to this extent! She goes through her journey in detail which goes to show that the only failure in writing is in giving up. Her persistence is awe-inspiring and gives me hope for my own journey. She made a great comment about how you never really know when success will arrive. It may be right around the corner and you don't even know it. So that should be reason enough to keep going, and never give up.

Inspiration: Latest book & music recs

Book-wise these two have been my highlights:

Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young - Thank you Ms. Young for bringing me out of my book slump! This standalone YA fantasy had so much action and heart, and was seriously my cup of tea. I devoured this beauty for its fun adventure and gut-wrenching plot. These are the kind of fantasy books that I want to write so this story just felt like home bringing me to a brand new place with such a feisty, but flawed heroine! Oh and also, the slow burn romance. Bonus points for that. Fiske fan forever! *end fangirling rant* (She also had a great interview with Sarah Enni on the First Draft podcast, that I highly recommend listening to as well!)

You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero - This was a Mother's Day gift from my sister. Now, that I am pregnant, I've been kind of stunned at how much it costs to raise a human being! I always had the mentality that money does not make a person happy nor does it define your worth. One thing I have to admit: money makes life a whole lot easier as long as you are able to manage your money well. Though some parts I couldn't get behind 100%, I felt like this was a quick and uplifting read to encourage you to step out of your shell and ask for what you want.

Own the day, Own your life by Aubrey Marcus - So I really enjoy listening to self-help/motivating books on audiobook (it makes doing chores/the commute go by so much easier). I highly recommend you do the same for this one. Marcus illustrates how focusing on optimizing and doing your best each day is the best approach to owning your life instead of getting owned by the day to day. Focusing on all aspects of your life, this book really resonated with me (I'm a productivity junkie--anything to be more efficient and make the most use of my time always gets me inspired) by emphasizing balance and how to achieve it. There were so many takeaways from it that I'm still digesting everything I learned.

Music-the latest adds to my spotify playlist: I've been on an alternative kick lately!

Panic! At The Disco - Thank you for the new album. My faves are: Dying in LA, High Hopes, Hey Look Mam I Made It

The 1975 - Girls, Somebody Else

Rosie Darling - I Fall Apart

Pregnancy Update: Halfway There

The anatomy scan. The mid-pregnancy ultrasound where you get to see your baby and make sure everything is developing properly. Being the worry-wort that I am, I've been looking forward to this appointment since its been scheduled, hoping it will ease my conscience, but also because I just want to see the baby. The belly is getting bigger, the heartbeat is becoming my favorite sound in the world, and I've been feeling flutters, swishes, rolls, and kicks, but there's something about seeing him moving on the ultrasound screen that just makes me want to cry happy weepy tears. Maybe it's because I love him so much already my chest feels like its about to burst, or maybe seeing him makes me fall in love with Michael all over again. After all, this little miracle wouldn't be possible without our love for each other.

As you can tell, pregnancy makes me emotional. The abundance of love I feel for my husband and child is hard to describe, and I feel like it's one of those things you don't really get until you experience it for yourself. Like I knew I was already capable of love, but just when you think it can't get any deeper, it does. 

Everyone thought I would want a girl first seeing as I come from such a badass female family, but when I thought of having a child, I knew I wanted a mini-Michael. I get so much support from the femme fatales in my life, I knew in my own family unit I would want a boy like his father to melt my heart for years to come. I am literally counting down the days until I get to meet him, even knowing the first few weeks will be insane and my chances of sleep or null. #worthit

As I enter motherhood, it's made me really appreciate my family in a whole new light. It takes a village to raise a child, and I can't help but count my blessings for my mom and my sisters who raised me. We didn't have much growing up, but we had each other, and really that's all you need.

But back to the scan. I've been a bundle of nerves because I don't really sleep well anymore since I am no longer allowed to snooze on my back. Couple that with revisions, work, and getting things sorted in my personal life, it's been one heck of a rollercoaster, but once the day arrived, I couldn't help but count down the hours, wishing on every minute like it was a star that our baby would be healthy and progressing normally. I'm not sure my heart could take it if we heard otherwise.

Luckily, the ultrasound tech put me at ease immediately. He was smiling, which made me smile, and he went through all the body parts of the baby, constantly reassuring us that everything looked good. I started to relax, enjoying the show as baby seemed to be dancing to his own groove, fist pumping in the utero. The doctor came in afterwards to give us the final report. Baby was healthy and growing within one day of his due date, and he saw no reason for us to come back for any future ultrasounds. Now, it was all about taking good care of myself and baby for the next 19 weeks to ensure optimum health.

Now, that all the scary testing stuff is over with, I am finally enjoying my pregnancy :)

Other fun pregnancy updates:

Things I don't love about being pregnant:

  • Not being able to drink wine. Most days I don't really think about it, but some days I really miss it. It was an experience Michael and I shared, and I miss having that. This is the first year we are breaking tradition and not going on a wine trip *pouts*.
  • Not being able to eat sushi. I dream of having an omakase meal post-pregnancy. I keep telling myself it's going to be my push reward along with a bottle of champagne. Though oddly, it's been difficult for me to eat some kinds of cooked fish, so Michael brought up the point that even though I want sushi while pregnant, my body would probably revolt against it.
  • Pregnancy acne. I never really had to struggle with acne in general, so it's really been a pain to deal with it all pregnancy. Starting to think this pregnancy glow is non-existent. Ha.
  • Hating to wear clothes. Ha. Nothing looks good! And I'm so not into purchasing a whole new wardrobe to dress up the bump, so I've only bought a few essentials that I hope will get me through the next few months.
  • Being hungry all the time. You would think the excuse to eat more would actually excite me because I love food, but it's actually kind of torture when you have no room in your belly, so you have to constantly graze every two hours. It makes eating a chore when you can't really enjoy a full meal and your taste buds are off.

Things I love about being pregnant:

  • Feeling him move. Nothing is more magical. Sometimes when I feel alone and I doubt myself as a mother and wife, I always seem to get a reassuring nudge from the little one as if he's saying, Chill ma, you're doing great.
  • Baby likes the sound of Michael's voice. He is more receptive to moving and kicking when he can hear his papa close by. It's so neat now that Michael can feel him, too.
  • My relationship with Michael. I feel like the baby has brought us much closer and or marriage is better because of it.