Post Birthdays

This week has been crazy busy, making the weekend very much needed! On Friday, Michael took me out to Nishino's for dinner, one of his favorite restaurants. As usual the sushi was excellent and the dessert insanely good!

Green Tea Tiramisu

Afterwards we went to Ballard for Cristine's Birthday celebration where I discovered a new go-to drink: Tom Collins. It's so refreshing, just like lemonade.

Me, Michael, and Cristine
The next day was super laid back. We finally did some grocery shopping and spent the rest of the day working on personal projects--revisions for me, web design for him. Michael was sweet enough to set up my very own writing space in our apartment.

Manuscript, laptop, notes, pens, and music. Everything I need.

Afterwards we headed to Cristine and Tim's for a family get together with the Armfield cousins and their rents.

Being goofy during the game time!

Sunday was cleaning day with more work on my revisions. I'm a quarter done with draft three, but it was the easy part. I anticipate difficulties as I head to the middle chunk of the story. It's great tightening the story and connecting everything cohesively. Tons of hard work, but worth it. 

Only one more month until my workshop and my beta readers get to read M2! Just thinking about that gets me all nervous and excited. The whole time working on it, it's always been about doing it for myself. Now with revisions, it's all about making it come alive for the reader, hoping that they can get lost and in love with the story I've been dying to share.

To close, here are a two other goofy photos I found on Michael's phone that should have made it to my Whistler post, if I only knew! Here's to another week of life!

strawberry daiquiri after 5 hour snowboarding lesson

hiding in my scarf because Whistler is c o l d